Instructional Media and Design
Open Source Development

The following software is made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. All projects are developed in Java™, and depend on the Java Runtime (JRE) version 1.3.1 or better. Additional dependencies may be noted for each individual project.

Check out the project page for more information.

Please note that every piece of software on this page comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.

IMS Enterprise

A Java binding for the IMS Enterprise Specification, Version 1.1 and accompanying parser and writer classes. The parser and writer classes depend on the JSR173 Streaming API for XML (also known as StAX). Note that you need both the JSR173 api classes and a valid implementation on your classpath.

LMS Reporter

A simple data analysis application providing a public API to create your own analyses. Comes with two home-grown analyzers for WebCT™ user data analysis. Currently, the application is geared towards the analysis of WebCT IMS snapshot files and global dtabase CSV files, but this may change in the future if we manage to support more different types of LMS.

The provided analyzers depend on the IMS Enterprise library and IO classes (above) and by extension on the JSR173 API. Additionally, one of the sample analyzers depends on the Apache POI libraries.

WebCT Integration Library

A library with generic back-end integration routines for WebCT, and a JSP custom tag library to use the library's functionality from within JSP pages. This is a work in progress and is currently undocumented. Check the taglib.tld file for information on using the JSP tags. More to follow soon. Promise!

This library does not have any dependencies (yet...) on the IMS Enterprise library and IO classes (above) or the JSR173 API, but this may change. Currently, though, it is dependent on the javax.xml.parser classes, which were included with JRE 1.4, so this library works best on a version 1.4 or later Java runtime. Logo